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Exploring New Horizons for Designing Sustained Professional Development for VITAL Faculty

Adrianna Kezar and KC Culver
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2024)
This report analyzes the design process that campus teams use to create sustained professional development (SPD) programs such as faculty learning communities for VITAL faculty.…

The Role of Academic Affairs in Supporting VITAL Faculty on Campus

Adrianna Kezar and KC Culver
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2024)
n this brief, we argue that creating avenues to support VITAL faculty is an essential role for leaders within academic affairs, and particularly those in…

VITAL Faculty on our Campus: A Guide for Campus Task Forces to Better Understand Faculty Working Conditions and the Necessity of Change

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024)
The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024) This guide is designed for use by task forces, committees, or groups who would…

VITAL Faculty in our Department: A Guide for Departments and Academic Programs to Better Understand Faculty Working Conditions and the Necessity of Change

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024)
The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024) This guide is designed for use by faculty and staff at the department level…

The Path to Change: How Campus Communities Worked to Change Non-Tenure-Track Policies and Practices

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2013)
A collection of documents describing how several campuses have already initiated a dialogue about non-tenure-track faculty practices and how different groups on each campus worked…

Non-Tenure-Track Faculty on our Campus: Supplemental Focus Guide for Institutional Researchers

Adrianna Kezar, Daniel Maxey (2013)
This focus guide is designed for use by specific campus constituencies to support a better understanding of how non-tenure-track faculty are supported by programs and…

Non-Tenure-Track Faculty on our Campus: Supplemental Focus Guide for Centers for Teaching and Learning

Adrianna Kezar, Daniel Maxey (2013)
This focus guide has been created for centers for teaching and learning and other offices that provide academic support and development opportunities for faculty on…

Adapting by Design: Redesigning the Faculty Role Worksheet

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success and Association of American Colleges & Universities (2016)
Based on the Delphi Project's Adapting by Design report (2015), this worksheet is designed to spark conversations among campus stakeholders about potential ways to intentionally…

How Student Affairs Departments Can Support and Engage Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

Daniel Scott, Adrianna Kezar (2019)
This guide, created by The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success in collaboration with NASPA, highlights the many opportunities student affairs departments…

“Waze” to Support Non-Tenure Track Faculty as a Student Activist

Jordan Harper & Adrianna Kezar (2020)
Created as part of the Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success, this guide is designed for student activists at the undergraduate and…

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