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Making Maryville University the Adjunct Destination

Jordan Harper
Applicant for the Delphi Award, 2020
Since its inception in 1872, teaching has been and continues to be a top priority at Maryville University. In 2015, key stakeholders at the university designed…

Supporting Non-Tenure-Track Faculty and the Art of Teaching Through Association Collaboration

Jordan Harper
Applicant for the Delphi Award, 2019
In 2015, two of philosophy’s largest professional organizations, the American Philosophical Association (APA) and the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) collaborated to produce the…

Addressing the Unique Needs and Challenges for Contingent Faculty at UNC Charlotte

Jordan Harper, Daniel Scott
Delphi Award Finalist, 2019
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) Center for Teaching and Learning spearheaded a longitudinal, data-driven project to better understand and respond to…

Supporting and Creating Space for Part-time Faculty at Montgomery College

Jordan Harper, Daniel Scott
Delphi Award Finalist, 2019
Retelling the story of part-time faculty is of paramount importance to Antonio ‘Tango’ Thomas, the Director of the Institute for Part-Time Faculty Engagement & Support…

Expanding Opportunities and Community for Non- Tenure-Track Faculty at Washtenaw Community College

Jennifer Yeh, Jordan Harper
Applicant for the Delphi Award, 2019
Washtenaw Community College (WCC) is located in southeast Michigan and enrolls around 18,000 students per year. The Part-Time & Adjunct Faculty Institute (PTFI) serves roughly…

“We are One Penn State:” Reforming Policy to Better Support Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at Penn State

Jordan Harper, Daniel Scott, and Adrianna Kezar (2019)
Delphi Award Winner, 2019
This publication highlights the successful efforts Penn State University to significantly improve their faculty policies and culture. PSU is one of winners of the 2019…

Creating a Culture of Care for Contingent Faculty Through Professional Development at Santa Monica College

Jordan Harper, Daniel Scott, and Adrianna Kezar (2019)
Delphi Award Winner, 2019
This publication highlights the successful efforts by Santa Monica College to significantly improve their faculty policies and culture. SMC is one of winners of the…

Redesigning Teaching Evaluations to Support Professional Development for Faculty at Harper College

Daniel Scott, Adrianna Kezar, Michael Bates
Delphi Award Winner, 2018
This 2018 publication highlights the recent successful efforts Harper College made to significantly improve their faculty policies and culture. Harper College is one of winners…

Equity for Lecturers and Counseling Faculty at California State University, Dominguez Hills

Daniel Scott, Adrianna Kezar, Kirti Celly, Pamela Robinson
Delphi Award Winner, 2018
This 2018 publication highlights the recent successful efforts California State University, Dominguez Hills made to significantly improve their faculty policies and culture. CSUDH is one…
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