The 2025 Delphi Award Application is Now Open.

Learn more about the application process and how to apply, here.

The 2024 Delphi Award Winners:
University of Massachusetts Amherst and
Michigan State University's College of Arts & Letters

Congratulations to our two winners, as well as finalists University of Delaware and San Jacinto College!

Representatives from the two winning institutions were honored at AAC&U's Annual Meeting in January.

The annual Delphi Award, now entering our seventh year, presents a $15,000 cash award to support VITAL faculty (also known as contingent, non-tenure track and/or adjunct) in pursuing strategic priorities such as student learning and community engagement.

The Delphi Award is generously sponsored by the TIAA Institute.

Read the Case Studies

Our Case Studies for 2024 Award winners University of Massachusetts Amherst and Michigan State University's College of Arts & Letters, along with finalists University of Delaware and San Jacinto College, are now available to download. These case studies highlight the innovative and important policies, programs and initiatives instituted by these universities in support of their contingent faculty. The new publications were written in collaboration between the Pullias Center and the featured campuses.

To access the case studies library for all Delphi Award winners and finalists since 2018, click here.

Six Years of Supporting Contingent Faculty with Cash Awards

Since 2018, the Pullias Center and AAC&U have presented a total of $180,000 to our winning institutions. Check out the winners and finalists, and read their award-winning Case Studies here:

Rewarding Scaleable, Institutionalized Support for Contingent Faculty

The purpose of the Delphi Award is to support policies, practices and programs that ameliorate the issues facing contingent, non-tenure-track and adjunct — also known as VITAL — faculty.

This is particularly important because faculty bring assets and benefits to campuses, departments and academic units but are often prevented from using their talents effectively to support students and contribute to institutional priorities aligned with improving campus(es) and contributing to the learning mission of higher education.


American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) is the leading national association dedicated to advancing the vitality and public standing of liberal education by making quality and equity the foundations for excellence in undergraduate education in service to democracy. Information about AAC&U can be found at


The TIAA Institute helps advance the ways individuals and institutions plan for financial security and organizational effectiveness. The Institute conducts in-depth research, provides access to a network of thought leaders, and enables those it serves to anticipate trends, plan future strategies and maximize opportunities for success. To learn more about our work and engage with our community of thought leaders, please visit our website at and follow us on Twitter at @TIAAInstitute.

University of Southern California

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