Tatiana Melguizo - In Memorium 1968-2024

PhD, Economics of Education, Stanford University

Tatiana Melguizo, a highly accomplished professor and a leader in the fields of education and economics, passed away in January 2024.

Tatiana was an amazing scholar who championed minoritized student populations and community colleges. Her research paved new understandings of barriers to student access and success focused on assessments/testing, advising, introductory courses and other key barriers. She served for much of her career as a faculty member at the Rossier School of Education at USC, where she was a dedicated teacher and advisor.

More importantly though, she was a kind scholar who mentored students and early career scholars and gave generously of her time to help develop others. Tatiana worked together with the entire Pullias and Rossier family to advance equity in higher education.

Learn more about her remarkable life, and by watching the 2018 video below, in her own words.

About Tatiana:

Dr. Melguizo was a Professor in the USC Rossier School of Education and the Pullias Center. She received a Ph.D. in Economics of Education from Stanford University and a M.A. in Social Policy from the London School of Economics, and worked in the field of economics of higher education. She used quantitative methods of analysis to study the association or impact of different factors, educational programs, as well as public policies on the persistence and educational outcomes of minority and low-income students. 

Her work was published in Educational Researcher, Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Teachers College Record, The Journal of Higher Education, The Review of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness, AERA Open, Higher Education and World Development. Dr. Melguizo received grants from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), National Science Foundation (NSF), Spencer foundation, AERA, the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, College Futures Foundation, Leonetti O’Connell Foundation, Jack Kent Cooke, Nellie Mae and Lumina foundations and from the Association for Institutional Research, National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (AIR/NPEC).

Community college | College graduation rates | STEM reform

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