
Since 1995, the Pullias Center has engaged in action-oriented projects and research to improve college access and student success, promote equity and diversity, and enhance the performance of postsecondary institutions. The Pullias Center publishes a range of reports, guides, briefs, tool kits and more informed by this higher education research. We have created more than 150 publications and all are free to download here.

For journal articles and book chapters authored by our faculty, please visit their individual pages.

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Developmental Education Reform as a Civil Rights Agenda: Recent History & Future Directions for California

Susan Bickerstaff, Tatiana Melguizo
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2024)
Efforts to strengthen the pipeline to college degree completion have focused on improving college access and providing academic, social, and financial supports to students’ post…

AB705 Implementation in the Los Angeles Community College District: Results from a District-Wide Survey

Tatiana Melguizo, Federick Ngo, Cheryl Ching, Elif Yücel, Elise Swanson, Deborah L. Harrington
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2022)
The Pullias Center for Higher Education, as part of the USC-LACCD Research-Practice Partnership (RPP), is conducting a mixed-methods evaluation of Assembly Bill 705 (AB705) focused…

Progress and Potential: Considering the Question of Racial Equity in CA AB705

Melguizo, T., Cooper, S., Kurlaender, M., Bensimon, E.M.
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2020)
California’s movement toward ending remedial education in community colleges through Assembly Bill 705 employs the power of policy as a means for racial justice. It…

AB 705 in the Los Angeles Community College District: Results from Fall 2019

Melguizo, T., Ching, C. D., Ngo, F., & Harrington, D.
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
This report describes early outcomes of AB705 implementation in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), one of the largest community college districts in the…

LAERI Research Report: 12th Grade Math and College Success

Leonard Wainstein, Carrie E. Miller, Meredith Phillips, Kyo Yamashiro, Tatiana Melguizo
UCLA Los Angeles Education Research Institute (2023)
In a new report, Twelfth Grade Math and College Success, LAERI-affiliated researchers build on their work in Twelfth Grade Math and College Access and examine the impact of…

Twelfth Grade Math and College Access

Leonard Wainstein, Carrie E. Miller, Meredith Phillips, Kyo Yamashiro, Tatiana Melguizo
UCLA Los Angeles Education Research Institute (2023)
Students’ academic preparation during high school, including the courses they take, influences their educational and economic success in adulthood. Research on the association between course…

The Equity Cost of Inter-Sector Math Misalignment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Community College Student Outcomes

Federick Ngo and Tatiana Melguizo (2020)
A new study explores the equity cost of math misalignment by examining whether it is especially detrimental for these college-ready students to begin college in developmental…

Increasing Student Success: Understanding the Impact of a Comprehensive College Transition Program

Tatiana Melguizo, Francisco (Paco) Martorell, Elise Swanson, & Adrianna Kezar (2020)
This report summarizes the main findings of the Promoting At-Promise Student Success Project (PASS), formerly known as the Thompson Scholars Learning Communities (TSLC) Study. The…

Assessment and Placement Policies and Practices in Developmental Math: Evidence from Experimentation in a Large Urban Community College District in California

Tatiana Melguizo and Pullias team (2015)
This report examines assessment and placement policies used to assign students to developmental education in California and summarizes findings from seven studies related to key…

Supporting Achievement: Basic Needs Assistance Program at a Community College

Soumya Mishra, Tatiana Melguizo, Gary Painter
Pullias Center for Higher Education, Sol Price Center for Social Innovation (2023)
The team at University of Southern California’s Pullias Center at the Rossier School of Education and Sol Price Center for Social Innovation designed a mixed-methods…

Developmental Education Reform as a Civil Rights Agenda: Recent History & Future Directions for California

Susan Bickerstaff, Tatiana Melguizo
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2024)
Efforts to strengthen the pipeline to college degree completion have focused on improving college access and providing academic, social, and financial supports to students’ post enrollment. In this paper, we explore one facet of postsecondary education that has served as…

AB705 Implementation in the Los Angeles Community College District: Results from a District-Wide Survey

Tatiana Melguizo, Federick Ngo, Cheryl Ching, Elif Yücel, Elise Swanson, Deborah L. Harrington
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2022)
The Pullias Center for Higher Education, as part of the USC-LACCD Research-Practice Partnership (RPP), is conducting a mixed-methods evaluation of Assembly Bill 705 (AB705) focused on how community college practitioners are implementing this landmark policy, which directs all 116 community…

Progress and Potential: Considering the Question of Racial Equity in CA AB705

Melguizo, T., Cooper, S., Kurlaender, M., Bensimon, E.M.
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2020)
California’s movement toward ending remedial education in community colleges through Assembly Bill 705 employs the power of policy as a means for racial justice. It is amply documented that Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students have for many years been disproportionately…

AB 705 in the Los Angeles Community College District: Results from Fall 2019

Melguizo, T., Ching, C. D., Ngo, F., & Harrington, D.
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
This report describes early outcomes of AB705 implementation in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), one of the largest community college districts in the country. Using data on first-time-in-college (FTIC) students from Fall 2017, Fall 2018, and Fall 2019,…

LAERI Research Report: 12th Grade Math and College Success

Leonard Wainstein, Carrie E. Miller, Meredith Phillips, Kyo Yamashiro, Tatiana Melguizo
UCLA Los Angeles Education Research Institute (2023)
In a new report, Twelfth Grade Math and College Success, LAERI-affiliated researchers build on their work in Twelfth Grade Math and College Access and examine the impact of taking a math course in twelfth grade on L.A. Unified students' science, technology, engineering, and…

Twelfth Grade Math and College Access

Leonard Wainstein, Carrie E. Miller, Meredith Phillips, Kyo Yamashiro, Tatiana Melguizo
UCLA Los Angeles Education Research Institute (2023)
Students’ academic preparation during high school, including the courses they take, influences their educational and economic success in adulthood. Research on the association between course taking and academic or economic outcomes consistently suggests that taking a more advanced math curriculum…

The Equity Cost of Inter-Sector Math Misalignment: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Community College Student Outcomes

Federick Ngo and Tatiana Melguizo (2020)
A new study explores the equity cost of math misalignment by examining whether it is especially detrimental for these college-ready students to begin college in developmental math courses. Researchers summarize results from a study on the experience of inter-sector math misalignment…

Increasing Student Success: Understanding the Impact of a Comprehensive College Transition Program

Tatiana Melguizo, Francisco (Paco) Martorell, Elise Swanson, & Adrianna Kezar (2020)
This report summarizes the main findings of the Promoting At-Promise Student Success Project (PASS), formerly known as the Thompson Scholars Learning Communities (TSLC) Study. The project seeks to explore, document, and better understand whether the PASS program, a comprehensive college…

Assessment and Placement Policies and Practices in Developmental Math: Evidence from Experimentation in a Large Urban Community College District in California

Tatiana Melguizo and Pullias team (2015)
This report examines assessment and placement policies used to assign students to developmental education in California and summarizes findings from seven studies related to key decisions throughout the process. We discover how colleges place students impacts persistence and transfer, that…

Supporting Achievement: Basic Needs Assistance Program at a Community College

Soumya Mishra, Tatiana Melguizo, Gary Painter
Pullias Center for Higher Education, Sol Price Center for Social Innovation (2023)
The team at University of Southern California’s Pullias Center at the Rossier School of Education and Sol Price Center for Social Innovation designed a mixed-methods evaluation that includes document analysis, interviews with administrators and students, short text-based and online surveys,…

University of Southern California

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