Nurturing the ‘SOUL’ of Adjuncts at The American Womens’ College at Bay Path University

In 2013, Bay Path University launched The American Women’s College (TAWC) to deploy the Social Online Universal Learning (SOUL) model for delivering accelerated online baccalaureate degree programs exclusively for women, the first of its kind in the nation. The SOUL model was designed to improve student learning by offering wrap-around supports and implementing evidence-based practices, as well as moving women toward degree completion faster and in a more affordable manner. The SOUL model is designed to nurture, develop and educate our students along with our adjunct faculty who teach them. TAWC deems adjunct faculty the backbone of the SOUL model. So much so that the faculty development committee created an adjunct faculty hierarchy of needs. The adjunct faculty hierarchy of needs outlines what adjunct faculty need to be effective educators and members of the TAWC community.