
Since 1995, the Pullias Center has engaged in action-oriented projects and research to improve college access and student success, promote equity and diversity, and enhance the performance of postsecondary institutions. The Pullias Center publishes a range of reports, guides, briefs, tool kits and more informed by this higher education research. We have created more than 150 publications and all are free to download here.

For journal articles and book chapters authored by our faculty, please visit their individual pages.

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VITAL Faculty on our Campus: A Guide for Campus Task Forces to Better Understand Faculty Working Conditions and the Necessity of Change

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024)
The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024) This guide is designed for use by task forces, committees, or groups who would…

State of the Faculty

Daniel Scott, Jude Paul Matias Dizon, Adrianna Kezar (2019)
Pullias Center for Higher Education
The report explores the issues and trends that have affected faculty in the United States to provide a snapshot from varied sources about the state…

VITAL Faculty in our Department: A Guide for Departments and Academic Programs to Better Understand Faculty Working Conditions and the Necessity of Change

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024)
The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024) This guide is designed for use by faculty and staff at the department level…

Promoting At-promise College Students Success through Peer Mentoring

Corwin, Z., Kitchen, J., Harvey, J., & Love, H., Culver, K., Rivera, G. (2024)
Peer mentoring is a popular tool utilized by postsecondary institutions to support at-promise students as they navigate the transition to college. Peer mentoring pairs student…

Faculty, Academic Careers, and Environments (FACE) Institutional Data Providers Focus Groups Report

Emily R. Koren, John W. Curtis, Adrianna Kezar and KC Culver
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2024)
The purpose of the Faculty, Academic Careers and Environments (FACE) project is to understand who faculty are, what their academic careers look like, and how…

Creating a Culture of Ecological Validation to Improve At-promise Student Experiences and Outcomes

Corwin, Z., Kitchen, J., Harvey, J., & Love, H., Culver, K., Rivera, G. (2024)
This brief explores ecological validation, a research-based approach that emerged from the Promoting At-promise Student Success (PASS) Project, which was conducted in partnership with educators at…

Designing Comprehensive College Transition Programs to Support Students’ Long-Term Success

This brief explores how a comprehensive college transition program (CCTP), which provides social and academic support to students during their transition into and through their first…

The University of Massachusetts Amherst Model: A Comprehensive Strategy for Enhancing Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Work Environments and Student Outcomes

Natsumi Ueda, Adrianna Kezar
Delphi Award Finalist, 2023
The University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMA), a public research university, has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to improving working conditions for non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) with…

Technology and College Access: Understanding the Unique Challenges and Opportunities Black Students Face

Sharla Berry
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
The author makes a case that educators might leverage Black students’ significant use of and innovation with technology to expand opportunities to cultivate college knowledge…

Getting the Boards Involved: Challenges and Opportunities for Equity at the Highest Level of University Governance

Raquel M. Rall
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
This report provides research and practical advice on how boards of trustees can influence diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and policies. The report argues that…

VITAL Faculty on our Campus: A Guide for Campus Task Forces to Better Understand Faculty Working Conditions and the Necessity of Change

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024)
The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024) This guide is designed for use by task forces, committees, or groups who would like to examine non-tenure-track faculty practices and issues at the campus level. Its question sections,…

State of the Faculty

Daniel Scott, Jude Paul Matias Dizon, Adrianna Kezar (2019)
Pullias Center for Higher Education
The report explores the issues and trends that have affected faculty in the United States to provide a snapshot from varied sources about the state of the profession. Topics covered include the future job market, faculty accountability policies, shared governance,…

VITAL Faculty in our Department: A Guide for Departments and Academic Programs to Better Understand Faculty Working Conditions and the Necessity of Change

The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024)
The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success (2024) This guide is designed for use by faculty and staff at the department level who would like to examine non-tenure-track faculty practices and issues. Its question sections, discussion questions,…

Promoting At-promise College Students Success through Peer Mentoring

Corwin, Z., Kitchen, J., Harvey, J., & Love, H., Culver, K., Rivera, G. (2024)
Peer mentoring is a popular tool utilized by postsecondary institutions to support at-promise students as they navigate the transition to college. Peer mentoring pairs student mentors with similarly aged mentees during their transition to college for the purpose of information…

Faculty, Academic Careers, and Environments (FACE) Institutional Data Providers Focus Groups Report

Emily R. Koren, John W. Curtis, Adrianna Kezar and KC Culver
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2024)
The purpose of the Faculty, Academic Careers and Environments (FACE) project is to understand who faculty are, what their academic careers look like, and how the environments in which they work shape their ability to thrive as instructors, researchers and…

Creating a Culture of Ecological Validation to Improve At-promise Student Experiences and Outcomes

Corwin, Z., Kitchen, J., Harvey, J., & Love, H., Culver, K., Rivera, G. (2024)
This brief explores ecological validation, a research-based approach that emerged from the Promoting At-promise Student Success (PASS) Project, which was conducted in partnership with educators at three of the University of Nebraska campuses. 

Designing Comprehensive College Transition Programs to Support Students’ Long-Term Success

This brief explores how a comprehensive college transition program (CCTP), which provides social and academic support to students during their transition into and through their first years in higher education. These programs can be particularly valuable for at-promise (e.g., low-income, first-generation,…

The University of Massachusetts Amherst Model: A Comprehensive Strategy for Enhancing Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Work Environments and Student Outcomes

Natsumi Ueda, Adrianna Kezar
Delphi Award Finalist, 2023
The University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMA), a public research university, has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to improving working conditions for non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) with a 20-year track record of progressive policies to improve the support for them. This commitment…

Technology and College Access: Understanding the Unique Challenges and Opportunities Black Students Face

Sharla Berry
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
The author makes a case that educators might leverage Black students’ significant use of and innovation with technology to expand opportunities to cultivate college knowledge and expand college access. The brief highlights the relationship between technology and college knowledge, explores…

Getting the Boards Involved: Challenges and Opportunities for Equity at the Highest Level of University Governance

Raquel M. Rall
Pullias Center for Higher Education (2021)
This report provides research and practical advice on how boards of trustees can influence diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and policies. The report argues that boards must be strategically woven into the conversation in order to guide intentional changes to…

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