Julie Posselt
Professor & Associate Dean, USC Graduate School

PhD, Higher Education, University of Michigan

Julie Posselt is a professor of higher education in the USC Rossier School of Education and was a 2015-2017 National Academy of Education/ Spencer Foundation postdoctoral research fellow. Rooted in sociological and organizational theory, her research program examines institutionalized inequalities in higher education and organizational efforts aimed at reducing inequities and encouraging diversity. She focuses on selective sectors of higher education — graduate education, STEM fields, and elite undergraduate institutions — where longstanding practices and cultural norms are being negotiated to better identify talent and educate students in a changing society.

Holistic graduate admissions | STEM equity and inclusion | Mental health in higher education

Extended bio and CV at USC Rossier

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Julie Posselt Named 2025 AERA Fellow

AERA has selected Julie Posselt, professor of education in the Rossier School of Education and Pullias Center for Higher Education and associate dean of the...

University of Southern California

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