“Institutional Transformation to Support VITAL Faculty” Webinar with AAC&U on Tuesday, March 11 at 12pm PT

February 5, 2025


This webinar, co-produced by the Pullias Center and the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), explores innovative practices and lessons learned from institutional change initiatives aimed at the equitable recognition and support of VITAL (Visiting, Instructors, Temporary, Adjuncts and Lecturers) faculty. Campus leaders from Michigan State University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, recipients of the 2024 Delphi Award, will discuss the policies, practices and programs their institutions have implemented to advance the recognition, status, and participation of VITAL faculty. The presenters will also share core principles that guide their collective work, implementation challenges, and the transferable lessons that can help support VITAL faculty as essential educators on any campus.


Michigan State University, College of Arts & Letters:
Sonja Fritzsche
Kate Birdsall
University of Massachusetts Amherst:
Michelle Budig
Christiane Healey
Eve Weinbaum
Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty & Student Success:
KC Culver

Moderated by the Pullias Center's Adrianna Kezar and hosted by AAC&U's Ashley Finley

University of Southern California

3470 Trousdale Parkway

Waite Phillips Hall, WPH 701

Los Angeles, California 90089-4037

Phone: 213-740-7218

Email: pullias@usc.edu

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