Institutionalizing a Culture of Respect for Teaching and Professional Faculty at the University of Denver

In 2015, the Board of Trustees at the University of Denver approved a new Advancement, Promotion and Tenure document developed by the Faculty Senate and approved by the Board of Trustees. This document created a new line of full time non-tenure-track full-time faculty, which DU refers to as Teaching and Professional Faculty (TPF). Keeping in mind their institutional commitment to inclusion, respect and collegiality, DU began thinking critically about implementation and institutionalization in an effort to keep teaching and professional faculty afloat. DU’s implementation and institutionalization efforts were guided by an equity-minded approach, revisiting many of their policies, procedures and initiatives and asking “what does this mean for teaching and professional faculty?” In answering this key question, DU began to introduce a slew of changes toward institutionalizing a culture of respect for TPF.