Garcia, Lisa D.

Project Policy Analyst, University of California, Office of the President (UCOP)

Ph.D., Education, University of Southern California, 2011
Research Assistant, Pullias Center for Higher Education, 2007–2010
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Pullias Center for Higher Education, 2011–2013

Lisa Garcia currently works in University of California Office of the President as an analyst providing guidance to University administrators and faculty leaders on transfer admission policies and initiatives. Prior to joining UCOP, Garcia was the assistant director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education where she managed outreach programs for first-generation college students, and researched California’s postsecondary admissions policies and programs aimed at expanding access to historically underrepresented students. She began her career in the undergraduate admissions office at University of California, Los Angeles, where she worked closely with administrative leaders on special projects, admissions, outreach, and enrollment planning.

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